Current Projects

Name of the project/ Program:  Food for Work (FFW)

Donor/ Funded by: DAI-USAID                    

Geographic Coverage: Kabul – Chahar Aasyab and Paghman Jalalalad – Surkrod, Achin, Sherzad, Kama) – 1000 Farmers, both male and female,

Description of the project:

This project’s activities are outlined as follows:

  • Improve Irrigation Efficiency: This involved cleaning the canals and Karezes (traditional underground water channels) to ensure proper water flow throughout the irrigation system.
  • Enhance Water Storage: Trenches were dug to capture and store rainwater and snowmelt, increasing the underground water level and providing a more sustainable water source for farmers.
  • Farmer Registration and Engagement: Utilizing the Kobo toolbox, a digital platform, farmers were registered and actively engaged in the program.
  • Prioritized Water Access: Activities will be prioritized based on need, ensuring efficient water distribution and improved access for farmers to irrigate their crops.
  • Farmer Supervision and Goal Achievement: Project supervisors closely monitored farmer activities to ensure proper water management and contribute to the successful achievement of project goals.
  • Food Distribution: Registered farmers received weekly distributions of food packages, providing additional support during the project implementation.

Name of the Project/ Program:  Training and Distribution of First Aid Kits

Donor/ Funded by: Fund collection

Geographic Coverage: Kabul, Baghlan

Beneficiaries: 100 Families 

This project’s activities are outlined as follows:

  • Identify target audience (e.g., schools, workplaces and community centers).
  • Evaluate existing knowledge and access to first aid supplies.
  • Design training curriculum based on target audience needs and local regulations.
  • Develop training materials (e.g., manuals, presentations, videos).
  • Recruit and train qualified first aid instructors.
  • Schedule and conduct first aid training sessions across different locations.
  • Ensure training is interactive and engaging for participants.
  • Provide opportunities for participants to practice first aid skills.
  • Source high-quality first aid supplies based on best practices and regulations.
  • Assemble first aid kits with essential items (e.g., bandages, antiseptic wipes, CPR masks).
  • Develop a plan for distributing first aid kits to target beneficiaries.
  • Consider coordination with local governmental authorities for distribution.
  • Documented distribution process to ensure accountability.
  • Measure the effectiveness of the training through short assessment forms.
  • Develop strategies for ongoing first aid education and kit maintenance.
  • Explore partnerships for long-term project sustainability.
  • Provided end of project report (Technical and Financial)

Name of the project/ Program:  Conducting Personal Hygiene Training 

Donor/ Funded by: Fund collection

Geographic Coverage:  Kabul

Beneficiaries: 20 participants

  • Introduction to Personal Hygiene:
    • Interactive presentation or discussion on the importance of personal hygiene for health and well-being.
    • Use visuals like diagrams, pictures, or short videos to illustrate concepts.
    • Games or quizzes to test knowledge and make learning fun.
    • Demonstrate proper handwashing techniques using the World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
    • Practice session with participants using soap and water or hand sanitizer (depending on resources).
    • Songs or rhymes to reinforce proper handwashing steps.
    • Set up handwashing stations with soap and paper towels in training areas.
    • Discuss the importance of bathing/ showering regularly, brushing teeth, and washing hair.
    • Talk about proper clothes changing and wearing clean clothes.
    • Include information about healthy toileting habits.
    • Discuss the importance of sleep, exercise, and healthy eating for personal hygiene.
    • Interactive activities or demonstrations on maintaining good sleep hygiene and healthy eating habits.
    • Focus on maintaining good hygiene practices as we age.
    • Discuss specific topics like foot care, dental hygiene for dentures, and managing incontinence.
    • Include information on hygiene practices in specific situations (e.g., travel, chronic illness).
    • Invite a doctor, dentist, or public health professional to talk about personal hygiene and answer questions.
    • Prepared and drafted end-of-project reports (Technical and financial) for the donor.